Introducing JEK Writes on Substack

If you read my previous blog post, you might recall that I listed a few specific goals for 2023. The year has not gone as planned thus far, but that’s often the way life is. And that’s not always a bad thing; it keeps us on our toes, if nothing else!

I have managed to meet one of my short-term goals for 2023: I started a Substack newsletter: JEK Writes. Substack is a pretty cool, integrated, and fairly user-friendly platform, and it seems to be especially popular among writers. So now I’ve joined the throngs!

I’m still experimenting with Substack, learning the ins and outs of the platform; in the meantime, though, I’ve written my first two posts. My welcome post will tell you a bit about JEK Writes; my second post includes discussion and a writing prompt. You can read with or without subscribing, but I hope you’ll consider subscribing.

Photo preview of my newest Substack post.

Why Subscribe?

JEK Writes is free to subscribe to, so you have nothing to lose. But you may be wondering why you should subscribe, what makes it different from this blog.

My goal for JEK Writes is to focus specifically on creative writing, whereas this blog tends to cover writing more broadly and often includes technical and academic writing. Within the topic of creative writing, JEK Writes will focus primarily on short fiction, but it may also include discussions of other genres, e.g., creative nonfiction or poetry. JEK Writes is also a platform in which I will share, more pointedly, the progress of my own creative writing career. Additionally, I plan to offer tips and prompts that may help motivate other creative writers.

I still plan to maintain this blog for the foreseeable future.

Change Can Be a Slog

Change can be a slog. This February was both a short month and an excessively long month, full of personal setbacks as a result of change. But change is important for growth, and other changes I’ve experienced (and am in the midst of) both creatively (i.e., within the creative writing realm) and professionally have been positive.

So let’s look forward: March is a new month, and spring (and change!) is in the air!


Theresa · February 28, 2023 at 5:54 pm

RE: Change…
One of my favorite sayings (and I didn’t come up with it) is “blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.” I try to remember that whenever I’m faced with the kind of change that feels like it might break me. NO!! IT WON’T!! 😊

    Jessica Klimesh · February 28, 2023 at 5:57 pm

    I like that 🙂 .

maeleen thorius · March 1, 2023 at 10:07 am

I am with Theresa! I am looking forward to all of your endeavors! I really enjoy being involved in anything you do! And….trust me, I have had several years where things did not go as planned. “You shall not be broken.”

    Jessica Klimesh · March 1, 2023 at 10:19 am

    Thanks for your continued support 🙂 .

      Alice · March 1, 2023 at 10:27 am

      Change is in the air is a great theme for March.

        Jessica Klimesh · March 1, 2023 at 2:25 pm

        Thanks for reading!

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